This research aims to determine the influence of product innovation, price, and brand image on purchasing decisions for case studies of consumers of Cimory products in Semarang City. Currently, there is very tight competition for dairy products on the market, so companies that produce dairy products must develop product innovation, price, and improve brand image to attract consumers to buy their products. The sampling technique in this research uses non-probability sampling using the purposive sampling method. The sample in this research was 110 respondents using data collection techniques using a questionnaire measured using a Likert scale. The research results were processed using SPSS 21 software. This research found that the product innovation and price variables had a positive and significant influence on consumer purchasing decisions, while the brand image variable did not have a significant influence on consumer purchasing decisions for Cimory products in Semarang City. Furthermore, the price variable has the greatest influence on purchasing decisions compared to the product innovation and brand image variables.
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