Agus Yudianto, Nana Supriatna Sonjaya


Brands that are well known to consumers will continue to be sought after, are always available, are more reliable, have undoubted quality, and tend to be chosen more often because they are more trusted by consumers than other brands that are less well known. This research explains how to build brand perceptions and brand image towards purchasing decisions, with 99 respondents using multiple regression analysis with purpose sampling. Based on the results of a simple linear regression between the price perception variable and purchasing decisions, it can be obtained that the regression coefficient for the price perception variable is 0.923 (positive value), which means that there is a positive relationship between the motivation variable and purchasing decisions and the higher the motivation, the greater the purchasing decision on Amanda Brownis Products at the Indramayu Branch. The research that has been carried out shows that there is an influence of Brand Image on the Purchase Decision for Amanda's Brownis Products at the Indramayu Branch with a coefficient of determination value of 0.473, which means it has a contribution of 47.3%. Also, the t-test results on the influence of Brand Image on Purchasing Decisions show an influence of Brand Image on Purchasing Decisions. This is proven by the t-count of 4.228; this value is greater than the significance level of 1.984. This means there is an influence of Brand Image on Purchasing Decisions




Price Perception, Brand Image, Buying Decision.

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