Pengaruh Kompensasi, Lingkungan Kerja dan Motivasi Terhadap Kinerja Pada PT. Tonga Tiur Putra Pandangan Kabupaten Rembang.

Anik Nurhidayati


The study aims to examine the effect of compensation,
work environment and motivation on performance in PT. Son
of Tonga Tiur view Rembang. The sample in this study
amounted to 75 respondents. The first hypothesis with the
value t count> t table (2.115> 2.000) with significance level
0.038 <0.05, means that there is significant influence of compensation
(X1) to employee performance (Y). Testing the
second hypothesis is the work environment variables (X2 )
to employee performance (Y) can know the results of the
calculations whereas the t 3.818 2.000 t table at the 0.05 significance
level (? = 0.05). Thus the significant effect of work
environment (X2) on employee performance (Y). The third
hypothesis tests the motivation variable (X3) on employee
performance (Y) can be detected t count is greater than t
2.058 2.000 table, at the level of significance is 0.05 ( ? =
0.05), thus there is significant influence of motivation (X3) on
employee performance (Y). Hypothesis test kempat compensation
variable (X1) working environment (X2) and motivation
(X3) jointly affect the performance of the employee
(Y). Regression calculation is obtained f count> f table
(12.765> 2.74) at 0.05 significance level> 0.00. Thus the three
variables (X1, X2, X3) jointly have a significant influence on
employee performance (as Y). Adjusted R2 value (coefficient
of determination) indicates the variable compensation,
work environment and motivation can explain the influence
of 32.3% on performance, while the rest equal to 67.7% explained
by other factors not included in this study.
Keyword: compensation, work environment, motivation, performance

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