Daya Saing Kultural dan Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Pasar Tenaga Kerja Berdasar Siklus Waktu Dengan Supply Chain

Damayanti Damayanti


Supply chain really necessary for organization to pass on value
added to consumer via optimalisasi time, allocating, and product
amount flow fast one and on the nose. With supply chain, cultural
competitiveness is engaged based order accomplishment cycle
time, which is durasi time to pass on customer requisition to goods
or service product, in this case is accomplish to see dammed hell
first firm will grad of college. With supply chain, cultural
competitiveness that covers: entrepreneurship, innovativeness, and
learning, can to order fulfillment labor market based on cycle time;
and is the cultural competitiveness negatively related to order
fulfillment labor market based on cycle time.
Keyword : supply chain, cultural competitiveness, fulfillment labor
market based on cycle time

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