Waqf has a great conribution, especially when Islam began to develop, without waqf the development of muslims would be more difficult. Waqf is now the door of Islamic economy which is a potential alternative, when it is developed and managed properly, it can accelerate economic growth which ultimately is able to prosper the people. This study aims to analyze the mechanism of the productive waqf management strategy on waqf land in improving the welfare of the community in East Lombok. The research used the descriptive method with qualitative analysis and data were collected through interviews, observation and documentation. The secondary data collected from documents and texts related to the research topic, be it books, articles journals, or others. The results showed that the productive waqf management strategy on waqf land in East Lombok is through planning objectives, forming a productive waqf management team, fulfilling infrastructure, conducting supervision and evaluation. To empower existing of waqf land, it needs to be managed and productive according to the condition of land, so that the waqf object itself provides benefits and can be improve the welfare of the people. In other words, the more waqf land, the more prosperous the community. The more professional the waqf management nadzir, the more prosperous the community and the greater the level of community economic capacity, the higher level of community welfare.
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