Syaiko Rosyidi


MSMEs have a significant role in the economy in Indonesia. Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), is one of the leading driving forces in economic development (LPPI and BI, 2015). In Indonesia itself, the existence of small industries is very important in saving the national economy. In Indonesia MSMEs have become an important part of the economic system. MSMEs are also able to create considerable employment opportunities for domestic workers, so it is very helpful in reducing the number of unemployed.

This study aims to examine organizational learning with the 4I framework (intuiting, interpreting, integrating and institutionalizing) that is applied and carried out by Batik Tulis Lasem MSMEs in Rembang District based on the business scale of small business groups and medium business groups. As well as examining the factors that become obstacles and driving the success of organizational learning in Batik Tulis Lasem MSMEs in Rembang District.

The results of the study show that: 1) The intuitive factors of individual SMEs in Batik are triggered by their level of experience, and subjective perceptions that lead to leaps of success. 2) The learning of organizational interpreting from Lasem Batik Entrepreneurs is mostly obtained from the feedback of interaction with stakeholders. 3) Integrating learning of the Batik Tulis Lasem MSMEs  organization  that  is  more  sharing  among  fellow  batik  entrepreneurs,  enriching  their insights and knowledge, so that it becomes an awareness and shared learning that with a solid community (Cluster) Batik Tulis Lasem MSME can enhance mutual competitiveness. 4) Institalizing organizational learning in the form of a joint commitment to maintain handmade batik that is loaded with designs that contain artistic and philosophical values as well as ancestral cultural reflections that have high economic values that are preserved in clusters and instill in generations that occur by individuals and groups in organizations that include systems, structures, procedures, and strategies with a framework of cultural wisdom and values.


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