the effect of brand image and service quality on customer satisfaction at PT Pos Indonesia in the Waru area, Sidoarjo

robby aryanto, Sugeng Purwanto


In this digital era, buying goods through the internet (online) is very popular with the people of Indonesia. Delivery of goods in online purchases, of course, also involves delivery service companies so that customers just wait and the goods will arrive via courier. The only BUMN engaged in service delivery is PT PT Pos Indonesia. This studyiaims toianalyze the effect of Brand Image and Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction in the Waru area, Sidoarjo. The sample in this study were people who were in the Waru sub-district and had used the services of PT Pos Indonesia, as many as 96 respondents. The sampling method used is Non Probability Sampling with the technique used is Accidental Sampling. This research shows that Brand Image and Service Quality have a significant effect on customer satisfaction of PT Pos Indonesia.

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